Video: 8.5
Audio: 8.5 120 minVoto 7.2Data di uscita: 28 Luglio 1941Genere: Avventura, Dramma, Thriller
In Germania durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, il giovane professore di Cambridge Horatio Smith, in missione per liberare alcuni prigionieri nei campi nazisti, era responsabile di sovrintendere alcuni scavi archeologici.
Leslie Howard (Professor Horatio Smith)
Francis L. Sullivan (General von Graum)
Mary Morris (Ludmilla Koslowski)
Hugh McDermott (David Maxwell)
Raymond Huntley (Marx)
Manning Whiley (Bertie Gregson)
Peter Gawthorne (Sidimir Koslowski)
Allan Jeayes (Dr Benckendorf)
Dennis Arundell (Hoffman)
Joan Kemp-Welch (School-Teacher)
Philip Friend (Spencer)
Laurence Kitchin (Clarence Elstead)
David Tomlinson (Steve)
Basil Appleby (Jock MacIntyre)
Percy Walsh (Dvorak)
Suzanne Clair (Salesgirl)
Roland Pertwee (Embassy Official - Sir George Smith)
Charles Paton (Steinhof)
Aubrey Mallalieu (Dean)
George Street (Schmidt)
Oriel Ross (Lady Willoughby)
Bryan Herbert (Jaromir)
Arthur Hambling (Jordan)
Ben Williams (Graubitz)
Ernest Butcher (Weber)
Mary Brown (Girl Student)
W. Phillip (Innkeeper)
Ilse Bard (Gretchen)
Ernest Verne (German Officer)
Hector Abbas (Karl Meyer)
Neal Arden (Second Prisoner)
Richard George (Prison Guard)
Roddy Hughes (Zigor)
Hugh Pryse (Wagner)
Michael Brennan (Camp Guard with Lantern)
Elwyn Brook-Jones (Bit Part)
Sebastian Cabot (Bit Role)
Peter Cozens (Man)
Arthur Denton (Gestapo Man Following Smith)
Irene Handl (Bit Part)
Vincent Holman (Doctor at Diggings)
Ronald Howard (Minor Role)
Stuart Latham (Telephone Operator)
Michael Rennie (Prison Camp Officer)
Charles Rolfe (German Officer at Customs)
John Slater (Reporter)
Harry Terry (Camp Guard)
A.E. Matthews (Earl of Meadowbrook)
La primula Smith (1941)
Leslie Howard (Professor Horatio Smith)
Francis L. Sullivan (General von Graum)
Mary Morris (Ludmilla Koslowski)
Hugh McDermott (David Maxwell)
Raymond Huntley (Marx)
Manning Whiley (Bertie Gregson)
Peter Gawthorne (Sidimir Koslowski)
Allan Jeayes (Dr Benckendorf)
Dennis Arundell (Hoffman)
Joan Kemp-Welch (School-Teacher)
Philip Friend (Spencer)
Laurence Kitchin (Clarence Elstead)
David Tomlinson (Steve)
Basil Appleby (Jock MacIntyre)
Percy Walsh (Dvorak)
Suzanne Clair (Salesgirl)
Roland Pertwee (Embassy Official - Sir George Smith)
Charles Paton (Steinhof)
Aubrey Mallalieu (Dean)
George Street (Schmidt)
Oriel Ross (Lady Willoughby)
Bryan Herbert (Jaromir)
Arthur Hambling (Jordan)
Ben Williams (Graubitz)
Ernest Butcher (Weber)
Mary Brown (Girl Student)
W. Phillip (Innkeeper)
Ilse Bard (Gretchen)
Ernest Verne (German Officer)
Hector Abbas (Karl Meyer)
Neal Arden (Second Prisoner)
Richard George (Prison Guard)
Roddy Hughes (Zigor)
Hugh Pryse (Wagner)
Michael Brennan (Camp Guard with Lantern)
Elwyn Brook-Jones (Bit Part)
Sebastian Cabot (Bit Role)
Peter Cozens (Man)
Arthur Denton (Gestapo Man Following Smith)
Irene Handl (Bit Part)
Vincent Holman (Doctor at Diggings)
Ronald Howard (Minor Role)
Stuart Latham (Telephone Operator)
Michael Rennie (Prison Camp Officer)
Charles Rolfe (German Officer at Customs)
John Slater (Reporter)
Harry Terry (Camp Guard)
A.E. Matthews (Earl of Meadowbrook)
Video: 8.5
Audio: 8.5 120 minVoto 7.2Data di uscita: 28 Luglio 1941Genere: Avventura, Dramma, Thriller
In Germania durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, il giovane professore di Cambridge Horatio Smith, in missione per liberare alcuni prigionieri nei campi nazisti, era responsabile di sovrintendere alcuni scavi archeologici.